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JLC Non-Member Registration 2023-24

Thank you for registering as soon as possible!

The earlier the submissions, the easier we can plan out classes.

Registering as a non-member is only available to families whose children are in TK - 2nd grade. Families with children either in the preschool and/or 3rd grade and up must register as members. 

Parent Information

Child Information

Child Medical Information
(i.e. an inhaler or any other medication that would need to be given during school hours)
For example, "my child cannot be in a room with flowers, etc." Please note that the JLC is a nut-free (both peanut and tree-nut) school.

Child Educational Information
Tell us a little bit about who your child is. Also, please describe any educational or social/emotional concerns we should know about your child.
Examples: wears glasses, wears contact lenses, color-blind, visual processing disorder, or another
Examples: dyslexia, reads below grade level, difficulty understanding or processing written information, or other
Examples: hearing impairment, auditory processing disorder, difficulty understanding/processing spoken/oral information, or other
Examples: ADHD, tends to be easily distracted, tends to be hyperactive, or other

Desired Day of Attendance:
Jewish Learning and Living Class

All students in kindergarten through sixth grades come once a week for a Judaica (JLL) class. Those sessions are offered on Tuesdays from 4:00-6:15pm and Wednesdays from 4:00-6:15pm. Please note that your selection is only a request for a given day and not a guarantee. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If the class you selected is full, we will place you on a waiting list and notify you accordingly. Please choose your desired day of JLL attendance
Child Friend Requests

You may request up to three friends to be in class with your child for their Judaica (JLL) class. NOTE: 3rd-6th graders cannot request friends for their Hebrew pod since the makeup of pods must be determined with considerations for size and ability. While we do our best to honor friend requests, we cannot guarantee them. Educational concerns must supersede all requests. Additionally, any friend requests that come in after August 15 may not be able to be considered.

Would you like to register a second child?

Child 2's Information

Child 2's Medical Information
(i.e. an inhaler or any other medication that would need to be given during school hours)
For example, "my child cannot be in a room with flowers, etc." Please note that the JLC is a nut-free (both peanut and tree-nut) school.

Child 2's Educational Information
Tell us a little bit about who your child is. Also, please describe any educational or social/emotional concerns we should know about your child.
Examples: wears glasses, wears contact lenses, color-blind, visual processing disorder, or another
Examples: dyslexia, reads below grade level, difficulty understanding or processing written information, or other
Examples: hearing impairment, auditory processing disorder, difficulty understanding/processing spoken/oral information, or other
Examples: ADHD, tends to be easily distracted, tends to be hyperactive, or other

Child 2's Desired Day of Attendance:
Jewish Learning and Living Class

All students in kindergarten through sixth grades come once a week for a Judaica (JLL) class. Those sessions are offered on Tuesdays from 4:00-6:15pm and Wednesdays from 4:00-6:15pm. Please note that your selection is only a request for a given day and not a guarantee. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If the class you selected is full, we will place you on a waiting list and notify you accordingly. Please choose your desired day of JLL attendance
Child 2's Friend Requests

You may request up to three friends to be in class with your child for their Judaica (JLL) class. NOTE: 3rd-6th graders cannot request friends for their Hebrew pod since the makeup of pods must be determined with considerations for size and ability. While we do our best to honor friend requests, we cannot guarantee them. Educational concerns must supersede all requests. Additionally, any friend requests that come in after August 15 may not be able to be considered.

Would you like to add a third child?

Child 3's Information

Child 3's Medical Information
(i.e. an inhaler or any other medication that would need to be given during school hours)
For example, "my child cannot be in a room with flowers, etc." Please note that the JLC is a nut-free (both peanut and tree-nut) school.

Child 3's Educational Information
Tell us a little bit about who your child is. Also, please describe any educational or social/emotional concerns we should know about your child.
Examples: wears glasses, wears contact lenses, color-blind, visual processing disorder, or another
Examples: dyslexia, reads below grade level, difficulty understanding or processing written information, or other
Examples: hearing impairment, auditory processing disorder, difficulty understanding/processing spoken/oral information, or other
Examples: ADHD, tends to be easily distracted, tends to be hyperactive, or other

Child 3's Desired Day of Attendance:
Jewish Learning and Living Class

All students in kindergarten through sixth grades come once a week for a Judaica (JLL) class. Those sessions are offered on Tuesdays from 4:00-6:15pm and Wednesdays from 4:00-6:15pm. Please note that your selection is only a request for a given day and not a guarantee. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If the class you selected is full, we will place you on a waiting list and notify you accordingly. Please choose your desired day of JLL attendance
Child 3's Friend Requests

You may request up to three friends to be in class with your child for their Judaica (JLL) class. NOTE: 3rd-6th graders cannot request friends for their Hebrew pod since the makeup of pods must be determined with considerations for size and ability. While we do our best to honor friend requests, we cannot guarantee them. Educational concerns must supersede all requests. Additionally, any friend requests that come in after August 15 may not be able to be considered.

Would you like to add a fourth child?

Child 4's Information

Child 4's Medical Information
(i.e. an inhaler or any other medication that would need to be given during school hours)
For example, "my child cannot be in a room with flowers, etc." Please note that the JLC is a nut-free (both peanut and tree-nut) school.

Child 4's Educational Information
Tell us a little bit about who your child is. Also, please describe any educational or social/emotional concerns we should know about your child.
Examples: wears glasses, wears contact lenses, color-blind, visual processing disorder, or another
Examples: dyslexia, reads below grade level, difficulty understanding or processing written information, or other
Examples: hearing impairment, auditory processing disorder, difficulty understanding/processing spoken/oral information, or other
Examples: ADHD, tends to be easily distracted, tends to be hyperactive, or other

Child 4's Desired Day of Attendance:
Jewish Learning and Living Class

All students in kindergarten through sixth grades come once a week for a Judaica (JLL) class. Those sessions are offered on Tuesdays from 4:00-6:15pm and Wednesdays from 4:00-6:15pm. Please note that your selection is only a request for a given day and not a guarantee. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If the class you selected is full, we will place you on a waiting list and notify you accordingly. Please choose your desired day of JLL attendance
Child 4's Friend Requests

You may request up to three friends to be in class with your child for their Judaica (JLL) class. NOTE: 3rd-6th graders cannot request friends for their Hebrew pod since the makeup of pods must be determined with considerations for size and ability. While we do our best to honor friend requests, we cannot guarantee them. Educational concerns must supersede all requests. Additionally, any friend requests that come in after August 15 may not be able to be considered.

Emergency Contact Information
This is someone other than you or your spouse/partner!
Examples: grandmother, uncle, family friend, babysitter
Pick-up and Drop-off
Examples: babysitter, nanny, grandparent, other relative

Medical Waiver

I/We do herby consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital service that may be rendered to said minor under the general or special instructions of our physician or other physician called in any emergency by the principal, rabbi, or responsible adult in the event I/we cannot be reached; whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician, at a licensed hospital, or by emergency medical services. It is understood that conscientious effort will be made to notify me or another parent/guardian listed above before such action is taken; but, if such efforts are unsuccessful, the expense of this service will be accepted by me. It is understood that this consent is given in advance of any specific diagnosis or treatment being required. This consent shall remain effective until revoked.

Additional Information
Virtual Image Policy

The hamakom website, print publications, and social media are tools to communicate with synagogue families families, students, teachers, prospective families and students, and the larger Jewish community. To enhance this experience, we use photos and videos to show student involvement in various JLC activities. On rare occasions, we will invite the local media to our campus to cover an event, and your child's picture may be taken. At no time are any child’s names associated with a photograph. Please feel free to contact Rabbi Adam at or Rae Antonoff at should you have any questions.
Parent Volunteers

Jewish education is a partnership between families and the synagogue. Both are vital components in a successful program. Throughout the year, we rely on parents for help in the classrooms and at special events, to serve on our education committee, and to share your skills and talents.
Parent Partners

Parent Partners give parents a voice and a hand in the leadership of our school. As we launch our new collaborative community, our members will have the unique opportunity to shape and define the role and activities of this important group of volunteers. Potential functions of the Parent Partners will be to develop a Tikkun Olam/Tzedakah program, plan grade level Shabbat and social gatherings at the synagogues and in homes, and organize fundraising efforts to support specific school projects. Parent Partners members will represent the voices of all families and will be in a position to make recommendations towards the activities of the school. All Room Parents will be automatically invited to join the Parent Partners.
Room / Grade Level Parent

A Room / Grade Level Parent keeps in contact with his/her child's teacher/grade teachers and the JLC administration and assists the teacher with special projects and events. You may help organize a special event or help find other parent's to volunteer on particular days (such as social justice projects, latke making, model seder, special art projects, etc.).
Hosting a Shabbat Dinner (or other activity)
Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784