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The Place for Films

Just like the name says HAMAKOM is the place for films! We love how movies entertain us, teach us and inspire up. Their stories touch our hearts and open our minds - so come join our cine-mishpocha for movies and conversation. We'll laugh, cry, boo and cheer together.


Watch the films on your own, at your convenience and then join fellow film buffs on the third Thursday of the month (dates may vary during holidays) to talk about them, usually on Zoom and occasionally in person. Our films are selected for their insights, their Jewish themes, to make you think and to make you laugh.


Our monthly films alternate between our two Film Groups:

West Valley Jewish Film Society (8 movies/year)

Cinema Journey (4 movies/year, quarterly)


Click here to get on our email list for the latest information on Cinema Journey and West Valley Jewish Film Society movies and programs.


West Valley Jewish Film Society

Just like any book club, HAMAKOM's West Valley Jewish Film Society watches movies from around the world made by talented filmmakers in many genres– including drama, suspense, action, science fiction, romance, comedy and documentary. Our films touch on anything and everything related to Jews and Judaism.

You can visit our website here.




HAMAKOM's Cinema Journey film series engages people in personal journeys of spiritual growth through movies. Four movies each season portray different perspectives on the season's theme. Our film conversations, either on Zoom or in-person, create an inspiring space for participants to explore and share their experiences of the film - and to discover it's underlying life lessons and hidden spiritual truths. 

You can visit our website here.



Meet Our HOSTS


Al Rudis was a long-time Temple Aliyah congregant and is a current HAMAKOM member who has spent the last 18 years screening between 20 and 35 new Jewish films each year as a member of the selection committee of the Long Beach Jewish Film Festival.



Valerie Edwards loves movies! A long-time Shomrei Torah congregant, she hosted the STS Film Conversation Series prior to coming to HAMAKOM and hosting Cinema Journey. An avid cinephile, she has studied film-making at Los Angeles City College’s Department of Cinema and TV Production.  Valerie has been engaged in contemplative practices and the study of wisdom traditions for over 40 years. She currently teaches Wise Aging and Wisdom Journey courses and co-leads the Shabbat Contemplative Circle.


(WVJFS & Cinema Journey)

Rabbi David Mendelson is a graduate of The Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, CA. As a film buff and Jewish leader, "A Place for Films" brings both of Rabbi Mendelson's passions together! Click here to view Rabbi Mendelson's letterboxd account.

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785