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		                                    Jewish Youth Network		                                </span>

Jewish Youth Network (JYN)

The HAMAKOM Youth Department that brings together teens in 3rd-12th grade 


Shorashim (roots) our programming for 3rd-6th graders

Chalutzim (pioneers) for 7th-8th graders

Maskilim (wise) programming for 9th-12th graders

Post High School Outreach programming for 18-25 years

Meet our Teen Board



Our youth department has won the Far West Region’s “CHAPTER OF EXCELLENCE” eight times and offers a variety of programs and events for children and teens beginning in 3rd grade through their early adult years. These programs encompass a friendly and continuous connection to their Jewish identity and to our synagogue life.


Shorashim (3rd-6th grade) meets twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesday and Wednesday of the month for Lounge Night from 6:15pm-7:15pm.

Chalutzim (7th-8th grade) and Maskilim (9th-12th grade) meet every Wednesday night for Lounge Night from 7pm-8:30pm.


To become a member of JYN  there is a $75 membership fee for 3rd-6th grade and a $90 membership fee for 7th-12th grade.  Our events include weekly lounge nights, challah bakes, monthly Shabbat gatherings, leadership training, volunteer opportunities, and more! If you wish to become a member, please download and fill out the Membership forms below and email them to Michelle Greenberg. You can follow us on Instagram @jewishyouthnetworkla to stay up to date with upcoming events! 

While the Jewish Youth Network will still participate in USY events, it is also meant to encompass events beyond the USY realm that will be happening at HAMAKOM and beyond. 

In our affiliation with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ), we are part of their Far West Region. The Far West Region encompasses Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, southern Nevada and Hawaii. We see the extended region at regional events throughout the year and mainly interact with our local chapters. 


Our goal as a Youth Department is to have ongoing community service and social action events, youth-oriented Shabbat and Jewish Holiday celebrations, off-campus outings, and an array of leadership opportunities. Our teens will develop skills to grow as Jewish leaders through planning and participating in programming in a Jewish social setting all while being given the chance to make lots of lifelong Jewish friends. Our synagogue has a youth lounge to provide a safe and welcoming space for our youth and where our programming takes place.

Jewish Youth Network Membership Form

For more information on the Youth Department, or to make sure you are on our mailing list, please email Michelle Greenberg, our Director of Youth Engagement, at


Between our many age-specific programs, there are ongoing community service events, youth-oriented Shabbat and Jewish Holiday celebrations, summer activities, and an array of leadership opportunities.


Check out Shorashim programs, including lounge nights, weekend events, and special programs! 




7th-12th grade

Check out Chalutzim and Maskilim programs like weekly lounge nights, Shabbat -themed programs, special weekend events and more!



Post High School Outreach

Looking to stay connected with the Jewish Youth Network? Stay connected with friends, share your post High School experiences, receive care packages, and hear about networking opportunities!

Sat, January 18 2025 18 Tevet 5785