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If you have not yet renewed your Hamakom Membership for 2024-25, we cannot confirm complimentary High Holy Day tickets or discounted Extended Family tickets without your completed membership. Please visit and login through the Member Portal to renew your membership before proceeding.
We will live stream all Sanctuary and Chapel services throughout the High Holy Days on our Livestream page and YouTube channel.
If you are not a member and wish to join us for the High Holy Days, click here to purchase Non-Member Tickets.
High Holy Day Adult Services: Two Options
Instrumental High Holy Day Services
These services take place in the Sanctuary and will be led by Rabbi Vogel, Rabbi Camras, Cantor Asher and Hazzan Mimi, and will include our choir. The prayers are slightly abbreviated. This service most closely resembles our Saturday morning Instrumental Neshama Service. This ticket entitles you to attend either service on Kol Nidre.
Traditional Non-Instrumental Minyan
These services take place in the Chapel and will be led by Rabbi Mendelson and Hazzan Smith. This service most closely resembles our Saturday morning Traditional Shira Minyan service. This ticket entitles you to attend either service on Kol Nidre.
Seating is limited in the Chapel and is available on a first-come, first-seated basis.
Rabbi Camras and Rabbi Vogel will deliver their sermons at both services.
Kol Nidre
Members are welcome to attend either service on Kol Nidre.
All services on Kol Nidre take place in the Sanctuary. The 6 pm service is the Traditional Non-Instrumental service, which will be led by Hazzan Emeritus Stein and Rabbi Mendelson. The 8:15 pm service is the Instrumental service led by Rabbis Camras and Vogel, Cantor Asher and Hazzan Mimi. Kol Nidre services will start promptly at their designated times, so please arrive early to allow yourself enough time to park and pass through security.
The Member Ticket Order Form below requires answers to the following questions:
1) Will you be attending the Instrumental Services in the Sanctuary or the Non-Instrumental Minyanim in the Chapel?
2) Do you wish to purchase additional tickets for extended family?
3) If you are attending Instrumental Services in the Sanctuary, do you wish to upgrade your complimentary seats to the sanctuary pews?
On Rosh Hashanah Day 1 and Yom Kippur Day, there will be Babysitting, a Kids Program, and a Teen Program available for children of parents attending services on campus. Please register for these programs from those specific pages by Sept. 20.
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